Possibly. I once had a old friend I grew up with tell me he thought me getting involved with the JWs may have saved me from where he thought I was heading with drug use. He smoked more pot than I did but I liked a lot of other drugs. I think I would have out grown the drug thing anyway but who knows.
Getting burned by the JW Armageddon BS and finding out that most of what they believed (and what I believed) was nonsense made me skeptical of other religions and gave me the ability to pick and choose what parts of a religion I wanted to accept and what parts I wanted to reject instead of feeling obligated to accepting an entire package. It also gave me the ability to dump a believe once I found out it wasn't true. Sometimes a slow process but always heading in the right direction.
I also think it may have helped me to become a pretty effective sales person. I've spent half of my adult life in sale so being able to approach people try to sell them something and accept rejection were good things to learn. I've known other xjws who have benefitted in this way from WT door to door training. If you can approach people and try to sell them a fantasy paradise afterlife then selling insurance, furniture, real estate etc..isn't quite as hard.